Optima Health Plan

Optima Health Plan

Alliance Health System continued to diversify its offerings in 1984, establishing Optima Health Plan—the area’s first locally owned, not-for-profit Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). Offering its own health insurance plan allowed Alliance Health System to reduce...
Building an Integrated System

Building an Integrated System

In 1983, the Medical Center Hospitals Board of Directors voted to form Alliance Healthcare System, a nonprofit holding company, transforming the organization from a hospital company into an integrated healthcare system. This new corporate structure allowed for more...
New Services at Medical Center Hospitals

New Services at Medical Center Hospitals

Medical Center Hospitals continued to expand their services in the early 1980s. Nightingale air ambulance service became operational in February 1982, becoming the first hospital-based air ambulance in Virginia. The Nightingale helicopter served a 125-mile radius...